Lauren Cohan 劳伦·科汉 ; 女星劳伦·柯罕 ; 萝伦柯汉
James Cohan 科恩画廊 ; 詹姆斯·科恩 ; 詹姆士·科汉
Doris Ling-Cohan 凌德丽
James Cohan Gallery 科恩画廊 ; 柯恩画廊 ; 汉画廊
Peter Cohan 彼得·科汉
Chris Cohan 老板柯汉 ; 克里斯·科汉 ; 克利斯
Sander Cohan 首席咨询师科汉
Leonard Cohan 科罕 ; 莱昂纳德
以上来源于: WordNet
Cohan believes there are at least two possible explanations for this phenomenon.
Mr. Cohan raises the same question as he writes that the firm’s onetime dedication to its clients has evolved into something more ruthlessly self-serving.
科瀚在书中也提出了同样的问题。 他认为高盛过去那种对客户的专注投入已经演变为一种冷酷到底的自我服务。
"Until we know whether the results are related to selection factors or to the experience of cohabitation itself, I cannot say that couples should not live together," Cohan said.