Comparison value [科技] 比较值
Sales comparison value 销路比较值
Ability Comparison Value Operator Value 技能
Destructible Comparison Value Operator Value 可破坏物件
Boolean Comparison Value Operator Value 布林
reference-actual value comparison 标准值 ; 实际值的比较
Value Comparison 值比较 ; 学区房对有孩子的父母特别有吸引力
hash value comparison 散列值比较
Value comparison method 商值比较法
gamma comparison factor value 何谓伽玛对比系数值
The new value comparison operators will report an error if either operand in the comparison contains more than one value, so using them expedites detection of the error.
Attempting to check the data type when matching a pattern or in a value comparison.
For example, the template might perform a value comparison on an incoming parameter against a value of a known type.