unbiased critical region 无偏临界区域 ; 不偏临界域
biased critical region [计] 偏判域
Down syndrome critical region 区域 ; 在唐氏综合症关键区域 ; 关键区 ; 关键区域
Best critical region 最佳判别域 ; 最优临界域
most powerful critical region 最强力弃却域
best unbiased critical region 最佳不偏弃却域 ; 最佳无偏临界域
size of a critical region 临界域大小
flow in critical region 在临界范围内流动
DiGeorge critical region 关键区段 ; 键区段
Since locks are used for interthread communication, it makes sense that taking out a lock would start a critical region and that releasing the lock would end the critical region.
The CLR needs to be told when the thread is entering or exiting a critical region so that, should a failure condition occur, the CLR can notify the host appropriately.
A critical region is one where the effects of an asynchronous or unhandled exception might not be limited to the current task, but rather might destabilize the entire AppDomain.