King Croesus stone 富国王石
as rich as Croesus 非常富有 ; 富比陶朱 ; 富可敌国
Ornithoptera croesus 红鸟翼凤蝶 ; 华莱士黄裳蝴蝶
king croesus 克里瑟斯国王 ; 萨斯王 ; 克里萨斯国王
rich as Croesus 像克罗伊修斯一样有钱
Croesus Knight 现代摇滚乐
N any very rich man 富翁
I have triple-tracked storm windows, Croesus did not.
And that select 1% has looked in envy at the Croesus-like 0.1% at the very top of the tree.
On that reasoning, if the retirement age came down to 25 we would all be as rich as Croesus.
I'll bet you never heard of Tellus of Athens, neither had Croesus, neither had anybody else outside of Athens.
Croesus asked Solon to tell him who is the happiest, the most fortunate--both of those things contained in the words he uses--that he had ever seen.
Croesus was astonished and he asked Solon why did he select Tellus?