...动之家 者:cm 编辑:cm 华硕、明基、先锋、建碁及NEC等厂商都已陆续推出了16倍速DVD刻录产品,支持单面双层(Double Layer,DL)的DVD刻录,其中NEC的ND-3500A也已发布,这是继先锋以来第二款能够同时支持双16倍速规格的...
DL-Lysine 赖氨酸 ; 产品
DL-Lactic acid 乳酸 ; 产品英文别名 ; 产品中文名称乳酸
DL-Homocysteine 高半胱氨酸 ; 高胱氨酸 ; 英文名称
DL-Glutamic acid 谷氨酸 ; 外消旋谷氨酸
DL-苹果酸 DL-Malic acid ; DL-Malicac ; DL-MalicacidDL
DL-蛋氨酸 DL-Methionine ; DL-Met ; H-DL-Met-OH
DL-Met 蛋氨酸 ; 蛋氨酸钙
DL-酒石酸 DL-Tartaric Acid ; DL-Dihydroxysuccinic acid ; DL-Tartaric acid hydrate
DL-丙氨酸 DL-Alanine ; DL Ala
SYMBOL for decilitre(s) 分升
And, while there's evidence that instructors must work harder to run a DL course for a variety of reasons, they won't be paid any more, and might well be paid less.
而且,虽然有证据表明,由于各种原因,教师必须更加努力地学习以开设一门 DL 课程,但他们不会得到更多的报酬,而且很可能得到的报酬更少。
In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.
康奈尔大学远程教学部 eCornell 的调查结果显示,不到三分之一的受访者期待网络课程的质量和传统课堂一样好。
DL: SOA has never been an enterprise-only concept.
Tim Wakefield Tim Wakefield on the DL right now throws a lot slower, because he has that tricky knuckle ball, he doesn't need to throw as fast.