...delica 语言图形建模环境(2D Diagram) ; 7 2 5 4 期 田 永 利 等:多领域系统可视化建模仿真平台集成开发 e1 建模对话框(Dialogs) ; f1 仿真结果输出( Plot s) 显示等1 2) Modelica 语言编译仿真器 OpenModelica Compiler(OMC) ,是瑞典Linkoping 大学OpenModel...
...孙子(Sun-Tzu) 《孙子兵法》(The Art of War) 柏拉图 (Plato) 《柏拉图选集》(Selected Works) 【《对话录》(Dialogs) 《申辩篇》(Apology) 《克里多篇》(Crito) 《普罗泰格拉篇》(Protagoras) 《美诺篇》(Meno) 《会饮篇》(Symposium),...
Common Dialogs 通用对话框
Chance Card Dialogs 职业奖励
Creating Dialogs 创建对话框
Popup dialogs 弹出对话框
modal dialogs 对话框
Quick Dialogs 快捷对话框
dynamic dialogs 动态对话框
edit-dialogs 对话框
Every personality and even every object participates in narration,makes comments on at least two more presumptive readers via direct dialogs. In this process the author take a good command of the narrative intensity and tempo,which reveals the author’s skilful and brilliant narrative approaches.
参考来源 - 浅谈《我的名字叫红》中的叙事策略·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress