False negative 假阴性 ; 伪阴性 ; 错误否定 ; 负误识
False negative error 假阴性错误
false negative rate 假阴性率 ; 漏报率 ; 左右的伪阴性比例 ; 伪阴性
false-negative 假阴性 ; 和假阴性数
False Negative Reactions 假阴性反应
false negative proportion 假阴性率
False negative result 假阴性结果
low false negative 低假阴性
false negative reaction 假阴性反应
biological false negative reaction 生物学假阴性反应
In an example like this, you may judge a minimum of 100:1 false negative: positive ratio to be acceptable.
What consequences do the false positive and false negative errors entail?
Finally, the last point I want to raise about classification before using WEKA is that of false positive and false negative.