...司的一张纸或一支笔汪小菲(Fei)从小(From childhood)在法国留学,张兰节目中揭示在小菲上学时间,每月的赡养费只要100法郎(Franc),她以为已充足他的生涯支拨。没做到的事不要轻易承诺,承诺过了,假如可以,还是努力做到。
Cabernet Franc 品丽珠 ; 加本力弗朗 ; 嘉本纳弗朗 ; 嘉本纳弗郎
French Franc 法国法郎 ; 法国法朗 ; 法郎 ; 法法律王法公法郎
Belgian Franc 比利时法郎 ; 比利时郎
CFA franc 非洲法郎 ; 体法郎 ; 中非法郎 ; 西非法郎
Swiss Franc 瑞士法郎 ; 瑞典法郎 ; 瑞郎 ; 瑞朗
CFP franc 太平洋法郎
Guinean franc 几内亚法郎
Luxembourg Franc 卢森堡法郎
Rwandan franc 卢旺达法郎 ; 卢旺达的卢旺达法郎
N-COUNT The franc was the unit of currency that was used in France and Belgium, before it was replaced by the euro. It is also the unit of currency in some other countries where French is spoken. 法郎 [num N]
The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo.
N-SING The franc was used to refer to the currency systems of France and Belgium, before it was replaced by the euro. It is also used to refer to the currency systems of some other countries where French is spoken. 法郎体系 ['the' N]
The Swiss franc has remained surprisingly strong.