Light diesel fuels 轻柴油 ; 轻质柴油燃料 ; 轻柴油燃料
General diesel fuels 普通柴油
Diesel Fuels & Engine Technology 柴油燃料和引擎技术
methanol-diesel two fuels 甲醇柴油双燃料
Diesel fuels 柴油
fcc diesel fuels 催化裂化柴油
Bio-diesel fuels 生物柴油燃料
But fuels could turn out to be the most profitable use of the waste products, if renewable diesel can take off.
Now researchers at the startup LS9, based in South San Francisco, CA, have described the genes and enzymes responsible for this production of alkanes, the major components of fuels such as diesel.
When these oils are heated, their viscosity is reduced, and they can be burned directly in a diesel engine, or the oils can be chemically processed to produce fuels such as biodiesel.