Hazard rate 风险率 ; 危险率
Hazard Rate Function 险率函数 ; 率函數 ; 危险率函数
SE of Hazard Rate 风险率的标准误 ; 风险比例的标准误
monotone hazard rate property 满足单调风险率性质
Hazard Rate Order 失效率序
reverse hazard rate 逆风险率
decreasing hazard rate 递减故障率
hazard rate distribution 危险率分布
Cox hazard rate model Cox比例危险率模型
The moral hazard crept in because they said, "We can borrow at a high rate."
The moral hazard crept in because they said, hey we can borrow at a high rate.
This model is based on gas release rate and jet fire model to estimate the hazard area.