isoamyl alcohol [有化] 异戊醇 ; 伯异戊醇 ; 异丁烷 ; 异丁基甲醇
primary isoamyl alcohol [有化] 伯异戊基醇
Amyl alcohol or isoamyl alcohol 戊醇或异戊醇
active amyl-isoamyl alcohol system 异戊醇和旋光戊醇体系
isoamyl alcohol mixture 异戊醇混合物
Isoamyl alcohol BioChemica 异戊醇
isoamyl alcohol in floodedsoil 水淹土中异戊醇
Separation technique of active amyl alcohol and isoamyl alcohol was done a further study in this paper, and got a better result.
Isoamyl chloroacetate is synthesized from chloroacetic acid and isoamyl alcohol with mordenite as catalyst and benzene as water carrying agent under the irradiation of microwave.
Vitamin C as catalyst was first used in the synthesis of isoamyl lactate from lactic acid and isoamyl alcohol.