Lethe europa 长纹黛眼蝶
Lethe syrcis 连纹黛眼蝶
Lethe chandica Moore 曲纹黛眼蝶
Lethe sinorix 尖尾黛眼蝶
Lethe manzora 门左黛眼蝶
Lethe helena Leech 宽带黛眼蝶
Lethe titania Leech 泰妲黛眼蝶
Lethe gemina Leech 孪斑黛眼蝶
同义词: River Lethe
以上来源于: WordNet
N a river in Hades that caused forgetfulness in those who drank its waters 忘河; 冥府的河流之一,饮其水者会忘掉过去 [Greek myth]
Looking like Lethe, see! The lake.
If there were the other life, let us not to drink the Lethe Water, will you?
As a close relative being far away, it raises more longing for and care, not lethe.
Standing in the Lethe of Milton's hell is none other than the classical figure, the figure from classical mythology, Medusa.
One of these little details that Milton has lifted rather directly is that of the river Lethe, the river of oblivion that was believed to flow in the underworld.
It's a fantasy, of course, because no such brainwashing is going to be possible, just as the fallen angels - if you look at line 607 - will be barred from drinking their fill of the river Lethe, forgetfulness is impossible.