Manufacturing Execution System 制造执行系统 ; 生产执行系统 ; MES制造执行系统 ; 生产制造执行系统
Manufacturing Execution System Association 制造执行系统协会 ; 国际制造执行系统协会 ; 国际联合会 ; 国际制造执行协会
MES-Manufacturing Execution System 制造执行系统
Manufacturing Execution System MES 制造执行系统
connect with manufacturing execution system MES整合
MES Manufacturing Execution System 制造执行系统 ; 生产执行系统
Manufacturing Execution System Software 制造执行系统软件
Discrete Manufacturing Execution System 离散制造执行系统
Integratable Manufacturing Execution System 可集成制造执行系统
DE Manufacturing Execution System 溯源生产制造执行质量追溯系统
Manufacturing Execution System Transaction: Provides neutral interface to numerous manufacturing execution systems, enabling manufacturing lot status and attributes to be queried.
Manufacturing Execution System Transaction:为大量制造执行系统提供无依赖性的接口,允许查询制造批次状态和属性。
Functions of manufacturing execution system were analyzed. The function model and data flow model of manufacturing execution system were presented. A manufacturing execution system was designed.
In order to enhance the total performance of manufacturing execution system, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the performance of each manufacturing unit.