分为 3 个目: 原棘头虫目 ( Archiacanthocephala ) : 例如巨吻棘头虫、 念珠棘头虫 (Moniliformis) 等。 古棘头虫目(Palaeacanthocephala): 例如鱼棘头虫(Echinorhynchus)、 鳞 棘头虫(Leptorhynchus) 等。
Streptobacillus moniliformis 念珠状链杆菌 ; 另一种为念珠状链杆菌
Gibberella moniliformis 串珠状赤霉
lichen ruber moniliformis 念珠状红苔藓 ; 红色念珠菌苔癣 ; 念珠状红苔癣
Armillifer moniliformis 串珠蛇舌状虫
Melosira moniliformis 念珠直链藻
lichen rubber moniliformis 苔藓样念珠状疹
costae moniliformis 念珠状肋
streptobacilus moniliformis 念珠状链杆菌
hamartoma moniliformis 念珠状错构瘤
以上来源于: WordNet
In this case a low-fructose diet kept infection with a parasitic worm called Moniliformis dubius under control in rats.
Rat - bite fever is an acute illness caused by two different organisms , Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus.
Frank Fox of the Fachhochschule Trier in Trier, Germany took 3rd place with this image of a living specimen of Melosira moniliformis.