... 6.) r4 X o$ {, J! f) ^ G The Delivery Man 搬运工 Monkey To Man 进化论 Needle Time 音乐时间 ...
A man wearing a monkey mask racked up dozens of tickets, fighting them in court, to protest the system.
某男子吃了罚单,觉得这个制度不合理,于是上法庭想讨个公道。 他出庭的时候还戴着贴满罚单的猴子面具。
If you are greeted by a man in shabby clothes covered in dirt, definitely allow him to lead you down all sorts of dark alleys and abandoned buildings. If he has a pet monkey, even better!
In out of the room before, the old man of the right eye keyhole, and want to see monkeys are doing, to his surprise, he saw the monkey eyes.