The Pilgrims 新移民 ; 清教徒 ; 朝圣者
Pilgrims Progress 天路历程 ; 唱片名 ; 朝圣者的进步
Pilgrims' Chorus 朝拜者的合唱
Just like the Pilgrims 就像早年清教徒那那样
Pilgrims Way 碧景林路
Pilgrims Hotel 清教徒酒店
Pilgrims Book House 朝圣者书屋
Pilgrims Bottle 朝圣瓶
同义词: Pilgrim Father
以上来源于: WordNet
N-PLURAL the English Puritans who sailed on the Mayflower to New England, where they founded Plymouth Colony in SE Massachusetts (1620) 朝圣者祖先; 1620 年乘五月花号赴美,为美国奠定国家基础之英国清教徒
The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims.
This is where pilgrims to the abbey would pay their first devotions.
The Pilgrims were really lucky to have such a good friend!
The state is named after an American Indian tribe a recognition of the groups that came long before the Pilgrims.
VOA: special.2009.11.23
And,of course, we had in mind the Pilgrims and what it was all about too.
VOA: special.2009.11.23
The first Pilgrims established a village.
VOA: special.2009.11.23