...base Systems 前排乘客乘坐侦测系统全新凯迪拉克CTS 3.6L旗舰高性能版前排乘客乘坐侦测系统 (PODS) 前排乘客乘坐侦测系统 (PODS):标准配置3.圆荚体
Drop Pods 空降舱 ; 投放虫茧 ; 空降舱突击
Laser Pods 雷射枪
Pea Pods 荷兰豆
Tide Pods 汰渍洗衣球 ; 汰渍洗衣丸
coffee pods 咖啡包 ; 咖啡滤包
Pods Defense 小豆防御
HIAC PODS 便携式油液检测仪
Collect 3 supply pods 收集3个供应舱
"pod peas or beans"
以上来源于: WordNet
The cacao tree gets large brown fruits called cocoa pods, and inside the pods are cocoa beans.
Let me tell you the black things are lima bean pods.
The animal often lives in silk-cotton trees, which bear silk-like fruit pods that match the anteater's fur coat.
After about five years, cacao trees start producing large fruits called pods, which grow near the trunk of the tree.
VOA: special.2010.02.17
There's loads of different kind of pods all around London
The University of Illinois Extension service says you should harvest beans when the pods are firm and have reached their full length.
VOA: special.2009.03.24