polishing drum 抛光筒 ; [建] 磨削滚筒
grinding and polishing drum 研磨盒抛光滚筒 ; 研磨和抛光滚筒
speed of polishing drum [机] 磨削滚筒转速
drum polishing machine 滚筒式抛光机
The feed end felt wrapped roll between the wipe roll drum set and the press polishing machine is set guide roll in which the heating device is set.
一种实现上述方法的装 置,由压延机、剥离辊筒组和压光机构成,在剥离辊筒组与压光机的 进料端压光辊之间设置有一个导送辊,导送辊中设置有加热装置。
It also analyses the role played by LH-1 politure in grinding and drum polishing.