Population attributable risk 人群归因危险度 ; 人群特异危险度 ; 危险 ; 危险性
population attributable risk percent 种群归因危险度百分比 ; 百分比
population attributable risk proportion 人群归因危险度百分比 ; 百分比
population attributable risk percent-age 人群归因危险度百分比
population attributable risk PAR 人群归因危险度
adjusted population attributable risk 调整人群归因危险度
For each type of cancer, researchers calculated a population-attributable risk, which is the percentage of people who develop cancer who might have avoided it had they adopted low-risk behaviors.
The estimation of adjusted population attributable risk is 5.31% based on the multivariable logishc regression model analysis.
To extrapolate to the overall population (where applicable) the authors used the population attributable risk percentage (PAR %).
作者利用人群归因危险度百分比(PAR %)来评价整个人群(适用的人群)。