美帝夫妻档Karmin 新单曲《Pulses》!如果你对 Karmin 的印象还停留在《Acapella》,那么这次的《Pulses》可就要你大吃一惊了。巨肺姐 Amy Heidemann 不仅能飙高音,玩儿起说唱时的强大气场也绝对力压 Nicki Minaj!
...小麦(Wheat)、大麦 (Barley)、燕麦(Oats)、稞麦(Rye)、小米 (Millet)、大米(Rice)、玉米(Maize)、豆类 (Pulses)和种籽(Seeds)等及由其加工的与谷物 在自然状态下具有相同特性的制成品。
integration of pulses [电子] 脉冲的积分
recurrent pulses 周期脉冲 ; 周期性脉冲
pulses per second 脉冲秒 ; [电子] 每秒脉冲数 ; 每秒脉冲
Twenty-eight pulses 二十八脉
emergency pulses 呼救信号
master pulses 主台脉冲 ; 主台脉冲主控脉冲 ; 主控脉冲
pulses per gallon 每加仑脉冲数 ; 每一加仑电子脉冲数
overlapping pulses 重叠脉冲 ; 重迭脉冲
Signals in most laser systems are chiefly given in the form of pulses.
参考来源 - 基于小波分析的光脉冲检测技术 DETECTION OF OPTICAL PULSES BASED ON WAVELET TRANSFORMIn Chapter 2, we study the effects of birth pulses on the dynamical complexity of stage-structured discrete models. Firstly, we propose and study the single-species discrete population model with stage structure and birth pulses.
参考来源 - 脉冲效应下种群动力系统和传染病模型的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: pulse rate heart rate
"pulse waves"; "a transmitter pulsed by an electronic tube"
同义词: pulsate
"A soft breeze pulsed the air"
以上来源于: WordNet
The bat emits these ultrasonic pulses, very high pitch sound waves that we cannot hear.
So the bat sends out these pulses, very focused bursts of sound, and echoes bounce back.
This perspective makes sense if you simplify the workings of a complex brain, reducing it to an array of electrical pulses.
They may cause pulses to quicken but usually they are greeted with nervous laughter and calm evacuations.
VOA: standard.2009.09.07
We're off because our downbeats, our strong pulses always have to come on the first part of the bar, this note.
This is the pulse of music and music theorists ever since the late fifteenth century from music theory Francinus Gafurius on we could go all the way back then have said that the pulse in music is basically at the same tempo as the human pulse which comes out to be about oh, we'll say seventy-two beats if you will, pulses, per minute.