bottom quark 底夸克 ; 夸克
up quark [高能] 上夸克
down quark [高能] 下夸克
quark star 夸克星
charm quark 粲夸克 ; 魅夸克 ; 夸克 ; 反粲夸克
strange quark 奇夸克 ; [高能] 奇异夸克 ; 夸克
Current quark 流夸克
quark confinement 夸克禁闭 ; 夸克局限 ; 夸克局束 ; 夸克约束
His creative work firstly lies in: discovering the J Particle according to the infinite and disjunctive dialectical materialism viewpoint, challenging " the quark confined", and investigating the cosmos profounded mystery, by researching to manufacture "Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer".
参考来源 - 让实验导引理论·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
"quarks have not been observed directly but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally"
同义词: quark cheese
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT In physics, a quark is one of the basic units of matter. 夸克; 物质的基本单位之一
N a type of low-fat soft cheese 低脂肪软干酪
A quark cannot exist on its own, but must be bound to other quarks or an antiquark.
In this it will resemble the top quark, the latest fundamental particle to have been detected.
Nobody knows if it is possible to cut an electron or quark but particle physicists keep trying.
You can ask what the force that this quark will exert on that quark at a certain separation.