Rhubarb Root 大黄根
Turkey Rhubarb Root 土耳其大黄根
rhubarb root parched in wine 酒大黄
Rhubarb Root Extract Powder 大黄提取物
Rheum Dalmatum Rhubarb root 掌叶大黄
Like the mountains and valleys that might route water into a river, the plant's leaves channel rainwater toward the ground surrounding the rhubarb plant's root.
The rhubarb plant (Rheum palaestinum), however, takes an entirely different approach: its huge leaves funnel water to its single root.
该大黄类植物(Rheum palaestinum)却采取了完全不同的另外一种方式:巨大的叶子将水分引导到独根里面。
The cochinchina momordicae seed, rhubarb, liquorice root all contain anti-cancer activity components.