Samson Agonistes 力士参孙 ; 斗士参孙 ; 着名的诗参孙的争辩 ; 力士山孙
Samson And Delilah 参孙和达丽拉 ; 霸王妖姬 ; 赛门和黛利拉 ; 参孙和大利拉
Samson Chiu 赵良骏 ; 导演 ; 导演赵良骏
Meisho Samson 名将森逊
samson post 吊杆柱 ; 起重柱 ; 吊杆柱将军柱
Samson Francois 弗朗索瓦 ; 富兰索瓦 ; 桑松·弗朗索瓦
Samson et Dalila 参孙和大利拉 ; 参孙与达丽拉 ; 参孙与达利拉 ; 参逊与达莉拉
Samson YOUNG 杨嘉辉
Ashley Samson 萨姆森
N a judge of Israel, who performed herculean feats of strength against the Philistine oppressors until he was betrayed to them by his mistress Delilah (Judges 13–16) 萨姆森; 一名以色列法官,对非利士压迫者表现出极大的力量,直至被其情人黛利拉背叛出卖
Milton has his hero, Samson, bewailing the fact of his blindness.
Since they ruled it until Samson took them out with the jawbone of an ass.
The judge ordered their dog Samson to be put down immediately.
At this point it's wonderful: Samson begins to echo Milton from the invocation that we've been looking at, the invocation to Book Three of Paradise Lost.
Here's Samson: O first created Beam, and thou great Word, ; "Let there be light, and light was over all"; Why am I thus bereav'd thy prime decree?
These are extraordinary lines These are among my most favorite lines in all of Milton Samson is questioning the wisdom and the justice of God's admittedly who can deny it?