Starting value [计] 起始值 ; 初始值 ; 开始值
starting value of the pollution 污染起始值
Starting pollution value 起初污染值
The application server BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS (a) is incremented automatically for you as you create application servers, with a starting value for the first application server on a node of port 9810.
当您创建应用程序服务器时,应用程序服务器BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS (a)会从端口9810的节点上第一个应用程序服务器的值开始自动增加。
We found that 150-200 is a good starting value for database configuration parameter MAXAPPLS for Lotus Domino with DB2 storage.
我们发现,对于使用DB 2存储的Lotus Domino, 150 - 200是数据库配置参数MAXAPPLS的最佳起始值。
The versionID value is assigned to each individual attribute on an object, with a starting value of 1 when the object is first created.