...—主流运营商瞄准应用商店 今年10月,由24家全球主要运营商发起成立的大规模应用社区(Wholesale Applications Community,WAC)在伦敦宣布,32家企业及机构最新加入这一联盟。其中既包括运营商,也包括设备制造商和终端企业。
WAC Lighting 华格照明 ; 美国华格照明 ; 华格全球 ; 华格中国
WAC summer uniform 花木兰夏服
WAC medal 陆军妇女队奖章
net wac 利率净额
WAC Write Address Counter 书写器地址计数器 ; 写地址计数器
WAC Wide Area Connector 广域连接器
wide area centrex wac 广域集中用户交换机业务
Wrong Attempt Counter WAC 非法尝试计数器
wac wide area centrex 广域集中用户交换机
同义词: Women's Army Corps
以上来源于: WordNet
The image was taken by the spacecraft's Wide Angle Camera (WAC) on the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS).
First, WAC apps can't take advantage of a phone's hardware specifications, because they need to be written for all devices.
For instance, WAC applications couldn't make use of the iPhone's gyroscope, the LG Optimus 3d screen or the Motorola Atrix's dual-core processor.
比如说,WAC的应用程序无法利用iphone的陀螺仪,LG的Optimus 3d屏幕,或者是摩托罗拉的A trix双核处理器。