Pikachu Y2K 皮卡丘Y2K
皮卡丘Y2K Pikachu Y2K
Photo Y2K 大家来找茬 ; 大家来找碴 ; 大家来找茬街机游戏
Y2K前的暑假 Summer Before Y2K
Summer Before Y2K Y2K前的暑假
Photo Y2K rom 大家来找碴
Y2K problem 年问题
Computer Y2K 电脑2000年问题
Y2k Motorcycle 公路摩托巡回赛
No Y2k Problem 无千年虫问题
N another name for the year 2000 ad (esp referring to the millennium bug) 二000年; 指千年虫
Y2K panic; NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
Why hasn’t more Y2K-style panic ensued?
为什么不会有更多的千禧年恐慌继续 发生?
And this is a little different from what happened ten or so years ago, but the so-called Y2K problem was essentially the result of programmers not really having the foresight to realize, "Maybe we shouldn't use so few bits or so few digits to represent a year because eventually this will be a problem."