5. In ARPANET, a background program in the interface message processor(IMP). These programs include the statistics generation routines, the debug facilities, and the IMP console teletype handler.
The one-dimension bar code recognition system is a background program which supports the recognition system on mobile telephone.
Similar to other distributed computing efforts, the Cels@Home is also based on a background program that retrieves, processes and sends data as soon as the Cels@Home screensaver is activated.
同其他分布式计算一样,Cels@Home 也是一个在后台运行的屏幕保护程序,当屏保开始运行的时候,它能实现对数据的检索、处理和回传。
In the test program, we'll attach a wheel listener that has the background color loop through the array of colors based upon the direction, as shown in Listing 4.