Sleep Isn't Just a Bodily Function: Sleep is a biological, physiological system, akin to the cardiovascular system, the nervous system and so on.
睡眠并不是一种人体功能: 睡眠是一种生物生理系统,类似于心血管系统、神经系统等。
Sleep is a very important bodily function in which your brain and body relax and rejuvenate after the stress of the day.
If someone has to make up a lie on the spot, they divert energy away from their bodily movements and into their brain function.
And so the food is a broader constituent of what we consume; the nutrient will be the pieces of the food that affect bodily function.
A nutrient is considered a substance within the food, that's when it digests it, absorbs, promotes some bodily function, so that it has some metabolic health value when people consume it.