...让我们觉得哲学 像文学、历史学那样,有自己明确的主题和研究对象;三来,“学科”往往意味 着一套知识体系(a body of knowledge),把哲学说成一门学科,这仍容易使我 们从知识体系的角度来看待哲学。
作为一种知识体(a body Of knowledge),一门学问,哲学恰当地栖身于大学的一个院系里,那里的课程会介绍亚里士多德、笛卡尔与你相识,让你熟悉形而上学与认识论。
...章开头提出的那两个问题完全一致,正关乎知识和功用: (1) 文学是不是一种知识结构?具不具备知识体系(a body of knowledge)? (2) 在现实生活中,文学有用吗?
Again, that is because business education is not about mastering a body of knowledge.
The CFA program is an educational program that tests your mastery of a body of knowledge through a series of exams.
It is a body of knowledge that provides a starting point for a variety of situations a project manager is likely to encounter.
When I think, there is a growing body of knowledge which says it is not one or the other.
VOA: standard.2010.08.09
What I want you to note there is the sense that the matter of the poem comes from an archive, an archive of scholarly work, a body of knowledge that you read about.
Like when they devised the first engines or the first nuclear reactors, it didn't work so well at first and then from the experience of many people working on it, over many years, a body of knowledge emerges and that's what we call technology.