... 一丝失望的眼神a flicker of disappointment 一群星星a cluster of stars 开怀大笑gales of laughter ...
... a cluster of houses 一群房屋 a cluster of spectators 一群观众 a cluster of stars 一个星团 ...
a cluster of bright stars 一群闪闪发光的星星
So Mishurov and astronomer Irina Acharova, also of the Southern Federal University, ran computer simulations that modeled a cluster of stars orbiting the galaxy's center.
If the center of NGC 4258 were a star cluster, the stars would be so closely spaced that collisions between individual stars would have long ago torn the cluster apart.
如果 NGC 4258 的中心是一个星团,恒星之间的距离会非常近,以至于在很久以前单个恒星之间的碰撞就会把星团撕裂。
Partly obscured by foreground dust, the nebula itself surrounds NGC 1893, a young galactic cluster of stars that energizes the glowing gas.
这片星云本身环绕着部分被前景上的星尘所掩盖了的NGC 1893,这是一个年轻的恒星星系群,它给发光的气体提供了能量。