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A Theatre for collective memory 集体记忆的殿堂
Then comes a collective memory: the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Picking the fruits: Recording - or creating a collective memory.
You know, they have a collective memory there that is very important.
And so here in Exodus, we find that just as the nation of Israel is coming into existence, just as the Israelites are making the transition from a nomadic existence to a more settled way of life ultimately in their own land, there seems to be a collective memory of a similar change in her religion.
Is it in the collective memory that people remember three centuries later that the Catholic Church was identified, at least as a hierarchy, with the Vichy Regime in World war II?
到二战时 宗教战争已经过去了三百年,在村民的大众记忆中是否因为等级制度,仍将天主教和二战中的维希政府视为一丘之貉