B was the first language in the C lineage directly. It was created by Ken Thompson at Bell Labs and was an interpreted language used in early internal versions of the UNIX operating system. Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, also of Bell Labs, improved B and called it NB. Further extensions to NB created its logical successor, C, a compiled language. Most of UNIX was then rewritten in NB and then C, which led to a more portable operating system.
A compiled language is usually much faster in terms of its execution.
Further extensions to NB created its logical successor, c, a compiled language.
C is a compiled language, which creates fast and efficient executable files.
And the third one I want to point out is, whether this is an interpreted versus a compiled language.
In a compiled language, you have an intermediate step, in which you take the source code, it runs through what's called a checker or a compiler or both, and it creates what's called object code.
A compiled language is usually much faster in terms of its execution.