... 糟糕的家庭作业 The awful homework 让人着迷的书 A fascinating book 出故障的汽车 The broken-down car. ...
Ed Rothstein's book, Emblems of Mind, a fascinating book emphasizing the relationship between mathematics and music, touches implicitly on the reading protocols for mathematics.
Ed Rothstein 的《心灵的象征》,是本迷人的书,强调数学和音乐之间的关系,触及了数学阅读的原则。
The associate professor of public policy, who is affiliated with Harvard, has written a fascinating book called Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age, due out in September.
这位哈佛大学的公共政策副教授最近写了一本有趣的书,叫做《删除:数字数代遗忘的好处》(Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age),将在 9 月份出版上市。