...story of competition to win this prize 在70年比赛历程中第一位获得此奖的中国钢琴家 a five-year-old girl 一个五岁的小女孩 play table tennis 打乒乓球 ..
Ferry is a five-year-old girl with excellent behaviors.
Ferry 是一个五岁的女孩,行为举止很好。
Another six-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl were injured, together with the boy who'd brought in the gun.
A five-year-old girl in a home with a potentially armed suspect helped police peacefully end a tense 10-hour standoff in a Winnipeg townhouse Saturday.
WINNIPEG加拿大 —星期六(10月25日)一个在Winnipeg家中的五岁小女孩帮助警察和平结束了与挟持她的武装犯罪嫌疑人僵持10个小时的紧张局面。