a full-blown credit crisis
定期证券接待工具Term Security Lending Facility(TSLF) 全面信贷危机a full-blown credit crisis 国际掉期与衍生产权协会International Swaps and Derivatives Association(ISDA) ..
The funds collapsed in 2007, in a prelude to the mortgage crisis that eventually felled Bear Stearns itself less than a year later and heralded the arrival of a full-blown credit crisis.
This often leads to a credit crunch and sometimes to a full-blown banking crisis.
Even with greed, highly paid aggressive bankers, credit-default swaps, and those geeky quants, we would almost certainly have muddled through the fallout from the bursting of the housing bubble without a full-blown financial crisis had there not been millions of mortgages made to people with chequered credit and no down-payments.
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