So, a party game after a few drinks and it is hilarious, but if you are dining with Pastor Bill and his wife, or the Armenian ambassador, or your daughter's Principal, you might want to be careful.
As with all my regular mini-disasters I made it into a hilarious dinner party story. But inside I didn’t find it funny.
我像通常经历小型灾难时一样把 它编成了一个逗笑的晚宴故事,但事情的本质并不滑稽。
As jia baoyu, Xue Baoqin, Xing youyanand Ping'er had birthdays on the same day, the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them.
贾宝玉、薛宝琴、邢岫烟、平儿四人同一天过生日。 众小姐带上自己的丫头们借机在芍药栏中红香圃三间小敞厅内饮酒行令,一时敞厅内热闹非凡。