...r)(利物浦,班托克Bantock,批示),《海上飘流》(Sea Drift)(谢费尔德,伍德批示);1909年首演《生之弥撒》(A Mass of Life)(伦敦,比彻姆批示),《 夏日庭院》(In a Summer Garden)(第一稿)(伦敦,戴留斯亲自批示)与《跳舞狂想曲第一号》(Dance Rh...
以上来源于: WordNet
Given all the evidence above it appears that there were benefits from the plague but these were only slight compensations for a gross mass of human life from a tragic disease.
To raise interest rates under these conditions would be to undermine any chance of doing better; it would mean, in effect, accepting mass unemployment as a permanent fact of life.
The most common form of bread in Americaethe mass-produced white, soft doughy bread in plastic bags with a shelf life of weeks is likely a major component of obesity and diabetes.