戭鉃 » Yan Shi 一块土地 » A piece of land 在工序间转移过程中产品整齐摆放,加强最终检验 » Process product neatly placed in the transfer process, strengthen the fin...
...od (一块玻璃 / 木头);a piece of bread, cake, meat(一块面包、蛋糕、肉);a piece of chalk(一支粉笔);a piece of land(一块地);a piece of paper(一张纸);a piece of advice, information, luck, news(一个忠告、一条信息、一件幸事、一条消息);a piece of ...
Today I want to talk about a way in which we are able to determine how old a piece of land, or some other geologic feature is—dating techniques.
Buying a piece of land for a grave is the only way to avoid this process.
An entire village working a piece of land together?
They built a clubhouse on a piece of land that had separated from the main island.
VOA: special.2009.10.06
A normal reason for fighting is a dispute about a piece of land that is more or less on the boundary between them, and so that's one aspect of their world.
Now, despite the fact that this is a very small piece of land, it boasts great geographical diversity.