如:a piece of news(一条新闻);两条建议) 是名词加“’s”,如:Mary’s room;如原词已有复数词尾-s,则只加“’”,如:the students’ hall 通物的名词;...
比如说;使用"、状语,把a piece of news(一条消息)的piece说成是量词;南面"、应该说明,就不能跟着人家说"、起、把,可千万不要先翻译成英语;不,我们就不要跟着英语语法把放在汉语...
a piece of interesting news 新闻 ; 新闻故事
milk a piece of news 套出一条新闻
a disturbing piece of news 一则令人不安的消息
a piece of family news 一则家庭新闻
a bad piece of news 一则讨人厌的新闻
A piece of local news 当地的一条新闻
a piece of sports news 一则体育新闻
It affected them in no other way than as a piece of news to spread at Meryton.
When we read a piece of news online, we'd better make sure it's before sending it to others.
One day when I was reading the newspaper, a piece of news caught my eye: "Rong Xing donates 100,000 yuan to help poor children go back to school."