... 3.A rapid flow of fun 连绵不绝的乐趣 a flow of 某事物的持续或连续供应 cut off the flow of oil 切断石油输送 ...
Skilled artists make use of all the richness of spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.
Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the splien language to create a rapid flow of fun.
有技巧达到艺术家 们利用丰富多采的口头语言为人们创造出了一连串的欢笑。
Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.
技艺 娴熟 的艺术家们充分挖掘口头评议的丰富内涵,创造一种快捷的脱口而出的娱乐形式。