... brick walls 砖墙 a red brick house 一栋红砖房 He used yellow bricks to build his house. 他用黄砖建他的房子。 ...
The school was a red brick house with big Windows.
His pace slowed further as he turned onto Willow Avenue and saw his house, second on the left, a red brick ranch with spidery ivy growing up the east side.
转到威洛大街后他走的更慢了,因为家就在眼前了。 吉米的家是街左边第二户的那栋红砖房,东墙上爬满了常青藤的枝桠,和蜘蛛网一样。
Dai Fangping lives near the city center with her husband in a red brick row house whose neighboring units have all been gutted to make way for a wider road.