It's Jane, a good friend he met in his sophomore English class.
After experiencing a particularly rough time in a calculus class during his sophomore year at UCLA, Mike Moradian began to think students could benefit from knowing more about how professors grade.
在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(ucla)二年级学习微积分课程时,Moradian经历了一段特别痛苦的时间。在那之后Mike Moradian就想:如果学生们对教授本人的评级了解的越多,那么他们一定会从中受益。
Class schedules for next semester, as a sophomore, seem quite a big task for me, considering all upcoming works and timing to come up with new musical creations.
我看了下大二的课程,感觉还有点繁重。 但是我还是得挤出时间规划我的工作,安排行程,创作新的歌曲。