AAD 抗生素相关性腹泻(Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea) ; 美国皮肤病学会 ; 助理美术指导
AAD Address Adder 地址加法器
Aad de Mos 德莫斯 ; 迪武斯
Automatic Alternative Billing AAD 自动更换记帐
AAD active acoustic devide 有源声学软件 ; 有源声学
aad jacobs 阿德雅各布斯
AAD active acoustic device 有源声学软件
AAD AbbreviatedAddressDialing 简化地址拨号
antibiotic associated diarrhea AAD 抗生素相关性腹泻
It can enhance economic growth aad will have much influence on people's ideology.
To ensure broad-spectrum protection, the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends sunscreens with any of the following ingredients.
Also remember this advice from the AAD: "Check your birthday suit on your birthday."