作为 全球第 一大啤酒集团 百 威英博集团(AB-Inbev) 的中国区总裁兼总经理比利时人丁凯(Dirk Moens) 对中国区属下 18 家啤酒厂的品牌定位非常关切。
The country boasts some of the world's largest companies: Vale is the biggest producer of iron ore, AB InBev is the biggest brewer and Marcopolo is a big producer of bus bodies.
LONDON (MarketWatch) — Earnings from Prudential, Q-Cells and AB Inbev encouraged investors shaken by the previous session's rout to dip a toe back into the European stock market on Thursday.
欧股周四开盘小幅上扬,摆脱前一交易日跌势,保诚保险、Q - Cells、百威英博等企业纷纷公布财报,鼓励投资者重返欧洲股市。
Heineken rose 1.5 percent to 37.35 euros and AB InBev climbed 1.7 percent to 43.79 euros.