[ 复数 aborts 第三人称单数 aborts 现在分词 aborting 过去式 aborted 过去分词 aborted ]
... 每一个信号都有一个缺省动作,它是当进程没有给这个信号指定处理程序时,内核对信号的处理。有5种缺省的动作: 异常终止(abort):在进程的当前目录下,把进程的地址空间内容、寄存器内容保存到一个叫做core的文件中,而后终止进程。
abort light 紧急故障信号 ; 故障信号灯 ; 紧急停机信号 ; 故障信号
Data Abort 数据访问中止 ; 数据中止 ; 数据异常 ; 数据终止
abort sequence 中断序列 ; [计] 放弃序列 ; 中止序列 ; 异常中止顺序
abort handle [航] 应急把手 ; 紧急停车手柄 ; 紧急中断飞行手柄
abort mission 放弃任务 ; 终止任务 ; 中止的使命 ; 中止特派团
abort function 中止函式 ; 异常中止功能
Prefetch Abort 预取中止 ; 指令预取终止 ; 预取址中止
"I wasted a year of my life working on an abort"; "he sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area"
"abort the mission"; "abort the process running on my computer"
"an aborting fetus"
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T If an unborn baby is aborted, the pregnancy is ended deliberately and the baby is not born alive. 使流产
Her lover walked out on her after she had aborted their child.
V-T If someone aborts a process, plan, or activity, they stop it before it has been completed. 中途放弃
When the decision was made to abort the mission, there was great confusion.