... Afraid of Virginia Woolf 灵欲春宵 ; 一切归零 about Virginia Woolf 沉没在水中 Virginia Woolf Once Wrote 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫曾经写道 ...
We'd think instead, for a moment at least, once again about Virginia Woolf.
This paper, according to the domestic study situation about Virginia Woolf, discusses the modernity problem of Virginia Woolf's feminism thoughts which is mentioned by few people at present.
A paper about the style of writer Virginia Woolf could point to her influence on other writers or on later feminists.
I mentioned earlier that it's Virginia Woolf who's largely responsible for our sense of Milton's identity as an oppressive patriarchal literary voice, but Virginia Woolf, too, had inherited these contradictory ways of thinking about Milton and about Milton's power.