三、绝对熵(Absolute Entropy) 一个体系的熵值直接与物质的熵值有关。由于熵是混乱度的量度,在1atm 、25℃ 时,我们就不能认为单质的熵为零,因为在此条件下,...
Standard absolute entropy 标准绝对熵
planck absolute entropy 普朗克绝对熵
absolute standard entropy 绝对标准熵
entropy change on absolute scale 绝对标度下的熵变
We looked at pressure change before, actually, in discussing the third law, the fact that the entropy goes to zero as the absolute temperature goes to zero for a pure, perfect crystal.
There is an absolute zero of entropy, and that's really what we learn.
The existence of enthalpy-entropy compensation was also confirmed, and the compensation temperature was found to be a function of absolute temperature, Tc(T).
Last time we reach the third law which is telling us that we can't quite get to zero degrees Kelvin .but that as the temperature approaches zero degrees Kelvin, the absolute entropy of a pure substance in perfect crystalline form is zero.
We looked at pressure change before, actually, in discussing the third law, the fact that the entropy goes to zero as the absolute temperature goes to zero for a pure,perfect crystal.
There is an absolute zero of entropy, and that's really what we learn.