absorbent filter 吸收剂滤器 ; 吸收性过滤器 ; 吸收性滤器 ; 吸收过滤器
absorbent-type filter 吸收剂型滤器
absorbent t filter 吸收性过滤器
absorbent type filter 吸收式过滤器
A black, porous, carbonaceous material, 85 to 98 percent carbon, produced by the destructive distillation of wood and used as a fuel, filter, and absorbent.
Now we really should pay attention to non-absorbent and non-Impermeable high quality filter materials; and the detection methods need to formulate standards.
Loading the TX1 type high effective oil absorbent in the filter of low temperature shift process, the oil content of the filtered gas is...