...若病人对药物不但产生精神依赖性,还有躯体依赖性,一旦停药后 病人产生精神和躯体生理功能紊乱的戒断症状(abstinent syndrome),称为成瘾性(addiction)。 撤药症状 withdrawal syndrome,指长期用药后突然停药出现的症状,以称停药症状。
protracted abstinent syndrome 或稽延性戒断症状
Results: The injection could attenuate abstinent syndrome of rats, restore rat weight and reduce NA, DA and 5 - ht content in brain tissue of morphine -dependent rats.
结果经参附注射液治疗的大鼠戒断症状明显减轻,体重明显恢复,脑组织中NA、DA、5 - HT等单胺类神经递质水平显著降低。
Results: the index form of the metric diagnosis and pattern differentiation of TCM against opium abstinent syndrome has favorable effective functions for the diagnosis.