...emote administrator access to CD-ROM 拒绝管理员使用光驱 access deny 访问拒绝 ; 拒绝访问 ; 客户端加域的新问题 ; 拒绝存取 Deny access to this computer from the network 拒绝从网络访问这台计算机 ..
Deny remote administrator access to CD-ROM 拒绝管理员使用光驱 access deny 访问拒绝 ; 拒绝访问 ; 客户端加域的新问题 ; 拒绝存取 Deny access to this computer from the network 拒绝从网络访问这台计算机 ..
DENY ACCESS 拒绝访问 ; 拒绝存取 ; 不让进入 ; 选中
Access deny reply to remote 不允许邮件转发
deny access and continue 拒绝访问并继续
access right grant or deny 存取权授与或拒绝
DENY access to any body 禁止任何人进入
Deny Access To Display Icon 拒绝访问显示器图标
access-list 1 deny any any 访问列表
to deny access 绝缘 ; 拒绝进入
Two federal courts ruled that the military cannot deny prisoners access to lawyers.
And in this case, I can only access it programmatically, because the default access controls associated with everything are set to deny any noncredentialed access to it.
If a match is not found, it can deny access.